Wednesday 12 September 2007

Murph ftw

Riiiiiight so tonight went a little better in 5v5, we played something like 16-17 games and only lost one, putting us back at rank 2 with 2344 rating. We didn't get to face the teams that took our rating on Sunday which was a bit disappointing, but we'll get back at them sooner or later.

Dassan was ill so our old warrior and good friend Murph helped us out for the night. He's a great player and probably my best "online friend" (if there is such a thing :D) so it was a lot of fun. Thanks!

Now i guess we need to beat Knockout a few times to take back rank one since they have a huge lead in rating (2470 or something) but that won't be for a few days. Tomorrow I'm speccing shadow to practise 3v3 with Glasmastarn and Mindseeker as we are thinking about going to WSVG in london together with Murph and Fontaine. I also wan't to play some 2v2 with Ambergo cause we've been getting our asses kicked by a million warrior teams lately and i don't like it. Stupid bracket.

I'll say it again, if you're looking for point boosting in 3v3 whisper me in game or leave a comment here or something. Also if you're interested in buying a 2v2 team with a 2113 rating, contact me. I need gold. Now. Please. Ty.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

bobrov to save the day.