Monday, 13 August 2007

First, for the last time? ^^^^

We had five games played this week, so Eldpojken agreed to play another five with us tonight so we could get points this week. We played a total of 8 games, all of them with Esko and we went undefeated.

We finally got to meet Rating Robbers, a top 5 team that we had not played against before. Unfortunately the matches we're not a lot of fun, it was never close and they we're using a lot of pve gear.

Anyway, we got our exact rating back (2423) and took rank one again, but if Eld won't play with us anymore this might be the last week in a long while that we can keep this spot while we are looking for a substitute.

BTW Quoted from "The best player you've faced" thread on our BG forum:

Viludin: I'd have to give some well earned credit for Esko, Tarmed's hunter. Being able to control multiple people at the same time is just wow :)



Anonymous said...

I will join your arena team ask me and i will let you know when i can play

famos vashj horde

Chidorii said...

haha no thanks darktauren, not looking for a shaman

Anonymous said...

more famos that you and i have a girl frend,you have sex with men for money


famos vashj horde

Chidorii said...


Anonymous said...

pick me pick me!