Friday, 6 July 2007


First of all, i just got back from the movies. Me and my brother took my dad to see Transformers and it was fucking awesome. It had the mandatory cheesy one-liners, crappy dialog etcetera but it didn't matter at all since it was coming from robots. If you read Transformers, watched Transformers and played with Transformers as a kid, you're gonna love it.

PvP blog. Right. We played 5v5 again today. We had the whole team online for once and could run our two best setups. We started with lock/hunter/priest/pal/war, going 6-0 before Esko had to go eat. Glas took his place and we took another 6 straight wins before we had to quit since i was heading out and some of the others were going to go PvE. Roter (aka Isprinsessan from Full Patàge) wanted to give TK a try, so they grouped with another guild on the server and got Void Reaver to like 30%.

We hit 2k rating today (2011 i think), and hopefully we won't go below it again since we have sworn to not play any of our crappier setups since it just makes us all mad.


Anonymous said...

Can I come and leech some points from your team?

Anonymous said...

More spam!

I didn't notice I already posted something like that, bad me kk!