Thursday, 19 July 2007


14 games played last night. We lost a game to Fikagruppen who are IRL friends of Fontaine and Eldpojken. It was really close and came down to like 3v3 and they got their second BoP when the mage was on ~5% hp which made it a 2v1 which in the end and they won. Esko had some problems with his screen, it bugs out sometimes when he zones or alt+tabs, but after a while it usually starts working again. Had us worried though. We were lucky enough to get the bug on Nagrand twice so we could turtle until it started working again.

Second game vs Fikagruppen we played better and it was a pretty safe win. Hats off to them though, most of them are great players and they're a fun team to play against. Sadly enough they stopped queuing after that game.

We stopped getting games at 2262 rating i think so we quit for the night, not sure when we will play again next time.


Anonymous said...

I wonder if Esko is being affected by his addons. I know my screen used to lock with Auctioneer loading, so maybe that has something to do with it?

Possibly he has an addon that loads at the start of arenas?

Chidorii said...

yeah maybe, he was thinking it might be an addon problem