Sunday, 1 July 2007


I have been leveling the shaman a bit and she's at lvl 64.5 and going strong. I have to say though, leveling by yourself on a server where you know almost no one is not a lot of fun.

Me and Lubbo (pve-affliction lock with whom i play 2v2 and 3v3) played some 2v2 games late last night, and went undefeated until we met this rogue/druid team called Lakedon pre. They were decent players, nothing exceptional, but they resisted EVERYTHING. In the first game for example Zhai resisted 14 fears, 2 death coils and countless other things.
I logged on Sylvanas to talk to them and Zhai said they were both sporting 300+ shadow resistence. There was really nothing we could do, we couldn't do any damage to them. I guess Lubbo will have to start stacking up spell penetration if we want to be competitive in 2v2 nowadays. We lost twice to them.

It was 4 in the morning and i was playing shit but Lubbo wanted to keep playing so we did, and started losing more. We went like 2-2 or 2-3 against this Rogue/Mage team who would sap->cs->sheep->blind me and kill Lubbo, and i couldn't get my game together and use the trinket right. I trinketed sheep instead of waiting for devour magic and then getting blinded etc.

We also went 1-1 to a well geared 2xRogue team. First game was on Blade's Edge which is by far the best map vs rogue teams because of all the kiting options, but in the second game we got Ruins. I had to trinket sap to save lubbo from their opening cooldowns (at least one was hemo which means premed->cb evisc twice) and we tried to kite for a while, but then i got two blinds in between which i only had time for like a shield, a mending and a flash heal. Both were full duration, is there no diminishing returns on blind?

Tonight we will play some 5v5 for the first time this week, we'll see how it gooes.

Update: I had big internet problems today so i could only play a few games. Penicillin played the rest and as he hasn't played 5v5 or even holy in a long while it did not go well. 11-7 for the night and rating went down 29 points to an even 1900. What can i say, don't get Glocalnet. Ever.


Anonymous said...

Well every time has their positive sides and negative, where you can win easily from a team with a certain combo, you get asskicked with another, so no hard feelings and save your energy for the other teams.

Chidorii said...

yeah guess you're right =)